We’re dedicated to procuring goods and services that not only add value but contribute to the success of our community. This means securing goods and services that are innovative, efficient and flexible.
Our commitment is reflected in our open, fair and transparent business transactions with suppliers. That means fostering strong relationships with both existing and potential suppliers.
Learn more about what kind of supplier relationships we’re looking for, how to share your innovations with us and a step-by-step guide to our procurement process below!
What We're Looking For
Our focus goes beyond transactional relationships. We look for suppliers who:
- value safety in their operations
- offer ideas and solutions to problems
- have open dialogue and 2-way communication within our business relationships
- can offer expertise in their area of business
- understand and accommodate schedule sensitivity
We strive to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with our suppliers. Check out our Supplier Code of Conduct to better understand our expectations regarding the sustainability practices of our suppliers.
Our Procurement Process
- Our procurement opportunities are posted via electronic tendering service on SaskTenders.ca and Merx.com.
- Descriptions of each opportunity can be viewed, but registration is required for viewing and downloading specific requirements.
- Suppliers can receive notifications about relevant opportunities by signing up on SaskTenders or Merx.
- In rare, exceptional cases, such as international procurements, we may post procurement opportunities outside of its normal channels.
- Merx is our primary electronic tendering platform for downloads and bid submissions.
- Suppliers can opt for an annual fee or pay per download for SaskPower opportunities. This includes online proposals. Pricing details can be found on Merx.
- To avoid delays, sign up for the electronic tendering service(s) in advance. Sometimes it can take a day or 2 to complete the sign-up process.
- Download all appendices (these may provide changes or clarifications to the opportunity). We recommend checking the tendering site regularly for new appendices.
- Attend required site meetings to clarify the work required.
- Contact the Procurement representative listed on the opportunity with any question you have.
- Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your bid.
- If a SaskPower competition is identified as high risk, then every supplier wishing to bid must be ISNetworld subscribed in Canada. You must also have a passing grade as per the competition documents.
- We strongly recommend suppliers pre-qualify with ISN before competitions to ensure your grade is acceptable and that your bid will be considered. Leaving the ISN subscription and setup work to the competition increases the risk of your information not being assessed and graded by ISN in time.
- Supply only contracts are typically not identified as high risk.
- It’s important that we have an open, fair and transparent process. To ensure this, disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the opportunity.
- To connect with us, please email us your request and include your Canadian ISN number.
- Submit all required document before the closing date and time. We’re located in Saskatchewan and don’t participate in Daylight Savings Time.
- We prefer submissions through Merx. Report any technical difficulties to Merx for assistance.
- We evaluate all submissions using predetermined evaluation criteria. This will change based on the type of opportunity.
- We emphasize overall value in our opportunities, not just price. Typically, the price is held back from the evaluation team until the technical evaluations have been completed to ensure submissions aren’t based on price.
- We often assign an evaluation team to opportunities to ensure fairness and eliminate favouritism.
- Some examples of evaluating criteria includes:
- safety records
- expertise
- experience
- past relationships
- whether or not your organization includes Indigenous involvement. Check out Empowering Supplier Diversity and Indigenous Procurement Infographic to learn more.
- Tenders are evaluated on price only.
- We contact the highest scoring supplier(s) for negotiations.
- After negotiations, we seek internal approvals in accordance with governance policies.
- We’ll notify unsuccessful suppliers. This is done by emailing the unsuccessful suppliers the name of the successful organization. We offer to debrief the unsuccessful suppliers so that they have the chance to learn how to improve their submissions on future opportunities.
- Once approved, the contract is awarded and purchase orders are created.
- The business unit within SaskPower works directly with the supplier to manage the relationship and complete the work.
- The successful organization’s name is also posted on Merx.
- A feedback system is in place to review and improve supplier performance.
- This allows us to work with suppliers to correct any issues and improve performance if needed. It also allows us to reward good performers during future supply decisions.