Follow these steps to ensure you have the correct calculations:

  1. Begin by entering the longest service out of the pedestal that is farthest from the transformer. This row will always have a quantity of one for the number of houses.
  2. The calculator adds the number of houses serviced from the rows above, so on the second row enter the number of houses served out of the farthest pedestal from the transformer, less the one service entered on the first row.
  3. Continue by entering the cable distance and number of houses fed out of each pedestal, working from the farthest back to the transformer.
  4. Enter only the distance from house to pedestal, pedestal to pedestal, and pedestal to transformer. The calculator will add length to the cable for terminations.

Note: The maximum total voltage drop from the first transformer to the farthest customer is 5%. This calculation is based on 240-volts.

Voltage Drop Calculator

Cable Types
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Remove selected row
Voltage Drop max is 5%
The calculator factors in internal wiring.
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