Voltage, Joe |
Service Address: 123 Energy Lane |
Account Number: 5000 0000 0000 |
Meter Number: 0000000 |
Bill Issue Date: May 23, 2023 |
Billing Period: Apr 21, 2023 - May 21, 2023 |
Customer Reference: Aeration |
Amount Due
Payment Due By
Jun 18, 2023
Power Use
433 kWh
That's an average of
$1.87 per day
Breakdown of charges
This section displays what you paid on your last bill plus any cancelled payments or late payment fees. If you still owe money from your previous bill it shows in this section.
Balance from previous bill
Balance Forward
Late payment charge
Electricity Billed For Info
This section displays your meter reading for this month and last month. The difference between the two is the amount of power you used (in kilowatt hours). This section also tells you when an actual read of your meter, current read of your meter (Smart Meters) or an estimate is being used. An actual read is one where either you or SaskPower have recorded what your meter displays. A current read is one where the smart meter sent in the read to SaskPower. An estimate is used whenever SaskPower is unable to read your meter.
This section also displays your demand in kilovolt-amperes, or kVA. The faster you use power, the higher your demand.
Registered Demand is the actual demand recorded from the meter.
Billed Demand is dependent on your rate code (SaskPower rates) and can be a specific percentage of the maximum billed demand in the preceding 11 months, or the Recorded Demand during the billing period (whichever is the greater amount). Since the demand ratchet is applied to billing demand, it may extend beyond a year in some cases.
The Billing Multiplier is part of the internal mechanism of the meter and is used to calculate your power usage. Meters with Billing Multipliers are typically used when the actual voltage and current being drawn to the premise is too large to be registered by a regular meter.
May 21, 2023 current meter reading
619Apr 21, 2023 current meter reading
-186Electricity billed for 30 days
433 kWhMay 2, 2023 demand meter reading
58.25 kVARegistered demand 58 kVA
Electrical Charges - Farm (E34 Rate) Info
We calculate how much you will pay for the power used last month in this section of the bill breakdown.
E34 is for farms with normal household and agricultural use, served through SaskPower – supplied transformation up to and including 3000 kilovolt amperes (kVA).
Basic Monthly Charge is based on your rate category and is a charge that all customers pay regardless of the amount of power used.
Cost of Electricity is the amount you pay for the power you use, based on the total kWh multiplied by the cost per kWh.
Demand Charge is the cost for your monthly registered demand and shall be the maximum kVA demand registered during the current month.
Basic monthly charge: $40.20
Cost of electricity: 433 kWh x $0.12985/kWh
Demand charge: 58 kVA
First 50 kVA x $0.000 kVA/month
Balance 8 kVA x $14.677 kVA/month
Total electrical charges
Federal Carbon Tax Info
This section shows the amount you pay for the Federal Carbon Tax. This is calculated based on how much power you use.
See for more information.
Federal Carbon Charge: 433 kWh x $0.010045/kWh
GST: 5% (Registration Number R119429678)
Total federal carbon tax
Surcharge and Taxes Info
If your city or town collects a municipal surcharge their fees will appear here. The municipal surcharge was put in place to compensate urban municipalities for giving up the right to establish their own power distribution systems.
GST and PST charges also appear here. GST is charged at 5% of all electrical charges and other fees.
GST: 5% (Registration Number R119429678)
Total surcharge and taxes
Amount Due
Sign in to MySaskPower to see a Bill Breakdown report of the last 12 months.
CR = Credit to your bill
Payment Due By: Jun 18, 2023
If a payment is not received by Jun 18, 2023 a late payment charge of 1.5% compounded monthly will be calculated from the statement date and applied to your account.
Online through your financial institution
At any branch of your financial institution
Pre-authorized payments
PO Box 6300, STN Main, Regina SK S4P 4J5
Call 1-888-757-6937 Mon - Fri, 8 am - 6 pm
Start a chat Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 5.30 pm
Important Messages
May 21, 2023
Apr 21, 2023
My Power Use
Power Use Comparison
Power Use Trend
My Usage Amount
Dec 2022 | $47.09 |
Jan 2023 | $49.62 |
Feb 2023 | $50.76 |
Mar 2023 | $72.92 |
Apr 2023 | $23.42 |
May 2023 | $56.23 |