Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Energy Assistance Program applicants must:

  • The account must be in the applicant's name;
  • Meet the income qualifications found at: saskpower.com/energyassistance
  • Own or rent a single-detached home, semi-attached home or live in a multi-residential unit building: i.e. apartment or condo (some conditions may apply) and live in the home year-round.
  • If you rent, we require your landlord’s consent. We will not be able to review or approve your application until the landlord consent form is provided. Download the Landlord Consent Form

Applicant Information (Owner/Occupant)

Ex: (306) 234-5678 ext 9999

Let us know how you heard about the program. If you heard from an organization listed below, make sure to select them as they will receive $25 if you participate in the program.

Physical Address of Residence Where Upgrades Will Be Completed - if different than mailing address

SaskPower's use of my personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
The terms and conditions in SaskPower's Terms and Conditions.
When you submit this form, we'll provide you with a confirmation code. Questions about this application process? Email us.