We’re pleased to be bringing smart meters to everyone in Saskatchewan. Customers across the province will receive their smart meters over the next few years.
In 2023, we resumed mass installation of residential smart meters. We’ll continue to install meters in stages from region to region as supply allows. View the map below to see where we’re at and where we’re heading next. We’ll be starting in the area marked “Coming Up” within the next 1 to 4 months. We update this map monthly.
Smart Meter Installation Map
We’ve got a team of SaskPower and contract employees throughout the province doing installations in multiple regions at a time. To show our sequence for smart meter deployment, we’ve divided the province into into several regions. The numbers on each region show the order we’ll start work as the project continues over several years.
Not sure which region you're in? Find your community’s name in the region lists below:
This region includes the following communities:
- Abernethy
- Adams
- Alice Beach
- Alta Vista
- Arlington Beach
- Avonhurst
- Avonlea
- Balcarres
- Balgonie
- Bayard
- Belle Plaine
- Bethune
- Briercrest
- Brownlee
- B-Say-Tah
- Buena Vista
- Bulyea
- Caronport
- Central Butte
- Chamberlain
- Chaplin
- Claybank
- Collingwood Estates
- Craven
- Crawford Estates
- Cupar
- Davin
- Deer Valley
- Dilke
- Disley
- Drinkwater
- Duval
- Dysart
- Earl Grey
- Edenwold
- Edgeley
- Emerald Park
- Erickson
- Ernfold
- Estlin
- Eyebrow
- Findlater
- Fort Qu'appelle
- Fort San
- Goodeve
- Govan
- Grand Coulee
- Grandview Beach
- Indian Head
- Island View
Kannata Valley - Katepwa
- Kronau
- Lebret
- Lemberg
- Lipton
- Little Black Bear First Nation
- Long Lake First Nation
- Lumsden
- Lumsden Beach
- Macpheat Park
- Markinch
- Marquis
- Mclean
- Melville
- Milestone
- Moose Jaw
- Mortlach
- Muscowpetung First Nation
- North Colesdale Park
- North Grove
- Odessa
- Okanese First Nation
- Parkview
- Parry
- Pasqua First Nation
- Pasqua First Nation
- Peepeekisis First Nation
- Pelican Point
- Pense
- Piapot First Nation
- Pilot Butte
- Qu'appelle
- Regina
- Regina Beach
- Riceton
- Riverhurst
- Rouleau
- Sarnia Beach
- Saskatchewan Beach
- Silton
- Sorensen Beach
- South Lake
- Southey
- Spring Bay
- St. Joseph's
- Standing Buffalo First Nation
- Star Blanket First Nation
- Strasbourg
- Sun Valley
- Sunset Cove
- Tugaske
- Tuxford
- Uhl's Bay
- Vibank
- Wee Too Beach
- White City
- Wilcox
This region includes the following communities:
- Aberdeen
- Allan
- Annaheim
- Asquith
- Aylesbury
- Beaver Creek
- Bladworth
- Blumenthal
- Borden
- Bradwell
- Broderick
- Bruno
- Casa Rio
- Cathedral Bluffs
- Clavet
- Colonsay
- Craik
- Dalmeny
- Davidson
- Delisle
- Discovery Ridge
- Drake
- Dundurn
- Eagle Ridge
- Elbow
- Etters Beach
- Furdale
- Glenside
- Grasswood Fn
- Guernsey
- Hague
- Hanley
- Hawarden
- Hepburn
- Holdfast
- Humboldt
- Imperial
- Jansen
- Kenaston
- Kinley
- Laird
- Lake Lenore
- Langham
- Lanigan
- Liberty
- Loreburn
- Manitou Beach
- Martensville
- Meacham
- Merrill Hills
- Middle Lake
- Mistusinne
- Muenster
Neuanlage - Neuhorst
- Nokomis
- Osler
- Outlook
- Perdue
- Pilger
- Prud'homme
- Radisson
- Riverside Estates
- Sarnia Beach
- Saskatoon
- Saskatoon West
- Shields
- Shoal Lake Fn
- Simpson
- St. Gregor
- Strongfield
- Tessier
- Thode
- Vanscoy
- Viscount
- Vonda
- Waldheim
- Warman
- Watrous
- Whitecap Fn
- Young
- Zelma
This region includes the following communities:
- Ahtahkakoop First Nation
- Air Ronge
- Albertville
- Alticane
- Alvena
- Arborfield
- Armit
- Armley
- Aylsham
- Bapaume
- Barneys Bay
- Barrier Ford
- Barthel
- Batoche
- Beacon Hill
- Bear Creek
- Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation
- Beatty
- Beauval
- Beaver River
- Belbutte
- Belleview
- Bellevue
- Bells Point
- Bertwell
- Big Island Lake Cree Nation
- Big River
- Big Shell Lake
- Bigstone First Nation
- Birch Hills
- Birch Lake
- Bjorkdale
- Black Point
- Brancepeth
- Bretwell
- Briarlea
- Brieux
- Brockington
- Brooksby
- Buckland
- Buffalo Narrows
- Buffalo River Dene First Nation
- Buffalo River First Nation
- Camsell Portage
- Canoe Lake First Nation
- Canoe Narrows First Nation
- Canwood
- Carlton
- Carpenter
- Carragana
- Carrot River
- Cater
- Chelan
- Chicken First Nation
- Chitek Lake First Nation
- Choiceland
- Christopher Lake
- Clearwater River Dene Nation
- Clemenceau
- Codette
- Cole Bay
- Creighton
- Crutwell
- Crystal Springs
- Cudworth
- Cumberland House First Nation
- Debden
- Denare Beach
- Deschambault Lake First Nation
- Descharme Lake
- Dillon
- Dore Lake
- Dorintosh
- Duck Lake
- Eagle Lake
- Eagles Lake First Nation
- Eldersley
- Elk Ridge
- English River First Nation
- Erwood
- Fairholme
- Fairy Glen
- Flying Dust First Nation
- Fond Du Lac First Nation
- Fond-Du-Lac
- Garrick
- Glaslyn
- Goodsoil
- Grandmothers Bay
- Grandmothers Bay First Nation
- Green Lake
- Greig Lake
- Gronlid
- Hagen
- Hall Lake First Nation
- Hatchet Lake First Nation
- Hoey
- Holbein
- Hudson Bay
- Ile-A-La-Crosse
- Red Earth First Nation
- Kitsakie First Nation
- Island Lake
- James Smith First Nation
- Jans Bay
- Kiskachiwan First Nation
- Krydor
- La Loche
- La Ronge
- La Ronge First Nation
- Lac La Plonge First Nation
- Lac La Ronge First Nation
- Laird
- Leask
- Leoville
- Little Red River First Nation
- Livelong
- Loon Lake
- Loon Lake First Nation
- Love
- Macdowall
- Makwa
- Makwa Lake First Nation
- Marcelin
- Meadow Lake
- Meath Park
- Medstead
- Melfort
- Meskanaw
- Michel Village
- Mildred
- Ministikwan Lake First Nation
- Missinipe
- Mistatim
- Mistawasis First Nation
- Mont Nebo
- Montreal Lake First Nation
- Montreal River
- Moose Range
- Morin Lake First Nation
- Mudie Lake First Nation
- Mullingar
- Muskeg Lake First Nation
- Muskoday First Nation
- Napatak
- Nipawin
- One Arrow First Nation
- Paddockwood
- Pakwaw Lake
- Parkside
- Pasquia Regional Park
- Pathlow
- Patuanak
- Patuanak First Nation
- Pebble Baye
- Peerless
- Peesane
- Pelican Lake First Nation
- Pelican Narrows
- Pelican Narrows First Nation
- Pierceland
- Pinehouse
- Pontrilas
- Poplar Beach
- Poplar Point
- Porcupine Plain
- Pown Beach
- Prairie River
- Prince Albert
- Prudens Point
- Ramsey Bay
- Rapid View
- Red Earth First Nation
- Redberry Lake Regional Park
- Redfield
- Ridgedale
- Robinhood
- Rosthern
- Runciman
- Salone Beach
- Sandwith
- Sandy Bay First Nation
- Saulteaux First Nation
- Saw Mill Lake
- Shannon Lake
- Shell Lake
- Shell River Hts
- Shellbrook
- Shipman
- Shoal Lake Cree Nation
- Shores On Cowan
- Siba Beach
- Sikachu First Nation
- Sikachu River
- Silver Park
- Silver Stream
- Silver Willow
- Sled Lake
- Smeaton
- Smuts
- Snowden
- Somme
- South Waterhen Lake
- Southend
- Southend First Nation
- Spiritwood
- Spruce Home
- Spruce Lake
- St Benedict
- St Brieux
- St Brieux Beach
- St Georges
- St Georges Hill
- St Louis
- St. Brieux
- Stanley Mission
- Stanley Mission First Nation
- Star City
- Steep Creek
- Stony Lake Reserve
- Stony Rapids
- Sturgeon Lake
- Sturgeon Lake First Nation
- Sturgeon Lake Park
- Sturgeon Landing
- Sturgeon Weir
- Sucker River First Nation
- Sunnyside Beach
- Sylvania
- Tarnapol
- The Landing
- Thunderchild First Nation
- Timber Bay
- Tisdale
- Tobin Lake
- Torch Lake
- Torch River
- Turnor Lake
- Turnor Lake First Nation
- Tway
- Uranium City
- Valparaiso
- Victoire
- Wadin Bay
- Wahpeton First Nation
- Waitville
- Wakaw
- Wakaw Lake
- Waldheim
- Wandsworth
- Wapiti
- Waterhen Lake First Nation
- Weekes
- Weirdale
- Weldon
- Whelan Bay
- White Fox
- Whiteswan Lake
- Witchekan Lake
- Witchekan Lake First Nation
- Yellow Creek
- Zenon Park
This region includes the following communities:
- Adanac
- Aquadeo Beach
- Atton's Lake
- Baldwinton
- Baljennie
- Bresaylor
- Brightsand Lake
- Britannia
- Broadacres
- Carruthers
- Celtic
- Cleeves
- Cosine
- Cut Knife
- D'amour Lake
- Delmas
- Denholm
- Denzil
- Duperow
- Eagle Hills
- Edam
- Etonia
- Evesham
- Fielding
- Frenchman Butte
- Fur Lake
- Furness
- Gallivan
- Greenstreet
- Hafford
- Hamlin
- Handel
- Hatherleigh
- Hillmond
- Lashburn
- Lilac
- Little Fishing Lake
- Little Pine First Nation
- Livelong
- Lloydminster
- Luseland
- Macklin
- Maidstone
- Marsden
- Martinson Beach
- Maymont
- Meota
- Mervin
- Metinota
- Metinota Beach
- Minnehaha
- Moosomin First Nation
- Mosquito First Nation
- Muddy Lake
- Murray Lake
- North Battleford
- Onion Lake First Nation
- Palo
- Paradise Hill
- Paynton
- Phippen
- Poplar Cove
- Poundmaker First Nation
- Primate
- Radisson
- Redberry Lake
- Revenue
- Reward
- Rockhaven
- Rutland
- Saulteaux First Nation
- Sawmill Lake
- Scott
- Senator
- Senlac
- Springwater
- St Walburg
- Suffern Lake
- Sweetgrass First Nation
- Thackeray Lake
- Turtleford
- Unity
- Whitkow
- Wilton
This region includes the following communities:
- Abbey
- Aberfeldy
- Admiral
- Alsask
- Anerley
- Assiniboia
- Beadle
- Beaufield
- Beaver Flats
- Beechy Lake
- Beverley
- Bickleigh
- Blumenhof
- Blumenort
- Bounty
- Bracken
- Brock
- Burnham
- Burstall
- Cabri
- Cactus Lake
- Cadillac
- Cantuar
- Carefree Park
- Carmichael
- Claydon
- Clearwater Lake
- Climax
- Coleville
- Conquest
- Consul
- Coteau Hill
- Demaine
- Dinsmore
- Dodsland
- Dollard
- Donavon
- Dunblane
- Eastend
- Eatonia
- Elrose
- Empress
- Estuary
- Fiske
- Flaxcombe
- Forgan
- Fort Walsh
- Fosterton
- Fox Valley
- Frontier
- Glamis
- Glen Bain
- Glidden
- Gouldtown
- Greenan
- Gull Lake
- Harris
- Hatton
- Hazlet
- Herschel
- Hoosier
- Instow
- Isham
- Kelfield
- Kerrobert
- Kincaid
- Kindersley
- Kyle
- Lac Pelletier
- Lancer
- Laporte
- Leader
- Leinan
- Lemsford
- Loverna
- Lucky Lake
- Main Centre
- Mankota
- Maple Creek
- Marengo
- Mendham
- Milden
- Morse
- Nekaneet First Nation
- Pambrun
- Plenty
- Ponteix
- Portreeve
- Ravenscrag
- Richmound
- Robsart
- Rosenhof
- Rosetown
- Ruthilda
- Sanctuary Oilfld
- Sask Landing
- Schoenfeld
- Scotsguard
- Shamrock
- Vanguard
- Waldeck
- Webb
- White Bear
- Wiseton
- Wymark
This region includes the following communities:
- Alameda
- Ardill
- Bateman
- Beaubier
- Beaver
- Bienfait
- Big Beaver
- Bromhead
- Buffalo Gap
- Carnduff
- Cedoux
- Coderre
- Colfax
- Colgate
- Congress
- Constance
- Coronach
- Courval
- Crane Valley
- Crestwynd
- Dahinda
- Dummer
- East Poplar
- Estevan
- Ferland
- Fife Lake
- Fir Mountain
- Flat Lake
- Flintoft
- Francis
- Glentworth
- Gravelbourg
- Griffin
- Hardy
- Harptree
- Hastings
- Hitchcock
- Horizon
- Huntoon
- Kayville
- Killdeer
- Lampman
- Lang
- Lewvan
- Limerick
- Lisieux
- Lougheed
- Macoun
- Maxstone
- Mazenod
- Mccord
- Melaval
- Meyronne
- Mitchellton
- North Portal
- Northgate
- Ogema
- Oungre
- Outram
- Palmer
- Pangman
- Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation
- Radville
- Roche Percee
- Rockglen
- Scout Lake
- Sedley
- St Victor
- Steelman
- Tribune
- Tyvan
- Vantage
- Willowbunch
- Wood Mountain
- Wood Mountain First Nation
- Woodley
This region includes the following communities:
- Alida
- Alameda
- Antler
- Arcola
- Broadview
- Candiac
- Carievale
- Carlyle
- Carnduff
- Corning
- Cowessess First Nation
- Creelman
- Duff
- Dumas
- Estherhazy
- Fairlight
- Fertile
- Fillmore
- Fleming
- Francis
- Froude
- Glen Ewen
- Glenavon
- Grayson
- Heward
- Kelso
- Kendal
- Kennedy
- Kenosee Lake
- Killaly
- Kipling
- Manor
- Maryfield
- Midale
- Montmarte
- Moose Bay
- Moosomin
- Oakshela
- Redvers
- Rocanville
- Sintaluta
- Storthoaks
- Wapella
- Wawota
- Welwyn
- Whitew00d
- Wolseley
- Zeneta
This region includes the following communities:
- Acherwill
- Algrove
- Amsterdam
- Archerwill
- Arran
- Birmingham
- Boothsiding
- Buchanan
- Buckhorn Bay
- Burgis Beach
- Canora
- Canora Beach
- Chorney Beach
- Churchbridge
- Clair
- Cote First Nation
- Crystal Lake
- Dafoe
- Danbury
- Daphne
- Day Star First Nation
- Donwell
- Dubuc
- Dunleath
- Ebenezer
- Elbow Lake
- Elfros
- Endeavour
- Englefled
- Foam Lake
- Fosston
- Gerald
- Good Spirit Acres
- Hamton
- Hazel Dell
- Hendon
- Hyas
- Ituna
- Jasmin
- Jedburgh
- Kamsack
- Kandahar
- Kawacatoose First Nation
- Keeseekoose First Nation
- Kelliher
- Kelvington
- Key First Nation
- Leross
- Leslie
- Leslie Beach
- Lestock
- Little Bone First Nation
- Macnutt
- Melville Beach
- Mikado
- Mozart
- Muskowekwan First Nation
- Naicam
- Norquay
- Okla
- Paswegin
- Pelly
- Perigord
- Pleasantdale
- Quill Lake
- Rokeby
- Rose Valley
- Semans
- Spy Hill
- Stockholm
- Strehlow
- Swan Plain
- Tadmore
- Theodore
- Tonkin
Our Progress So Far
Overall, we’ve completed 24% of smart meter installations throughout the province as of Dec. 31, 2024. This includes smart meters for our residential customers (17% complete) as well as commercial and industrial (C&I) smart meters (92% complete.)
We’re currently installing about 6,000 meters per month on average.